The 203 Non-Authoritative Information status code indicates that the request was successful but the returned content is not necessarily from the original source. This status code can be used to indicate that a cache should refresh its cached copy of the target resource.
A 203 response is similar to a 200 response, but with one key difference: while a 200 response indicates that the returned content is the result of a successful request, a 203 response indicates that the returned content is not necessarily from the original source.
The most likely cause of a 203 status code is that the server is configured to return this status code for all responses. This can happen if the server is misconfigured or if there is a problem with the network. Another possibility is that the server is trying to return a 203 Non-Authoritative Information status code but is not able to do so because of a technical issue.
If you see a 203 Non-Authoritative Information status code in your log files, it is likely that there is a problem with the server. You should check the server’s configuration to see if it is set to return this status code for all responses. If not, you should contact the server administrator to investigate the issue further.
RFC#: 7231 Section 6.3.4
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